Event Registration Forms

There's always a minimum amount of information that you want to know about somebody that registers for a club event. These can be personal characteristics like their name and email address (which most people won't need to fill in again if the system already knows them), or they can be questions that pertain exclusively to the event they're registering for.

Whatever you want to know about the people turning up to the event, we've got you covered. We build you a custom registration form that goes hand in hand with the fee calculator we also materialise for your event.

This guide gives you the low-down on how to take a look at your registration form and what we're capturing for each person.


Every event that you create in the system has a registration form associated with it by default. You can take a look at the current registration form for any event by going to the setup screen and clicking the preview link.

Event  Setup -  Preview  Registration

Dear Majestri, please build me a registration form

Certainly, it would be our pleasure.

Before we go any further into worrying about specific data, ask yourself this question:

Is my event for an adult registering only themselves, or is it an event where a Primary Contact will register minors and/or other people?

This is a very important question as it changes the registration experience for your members. If it is a single adult person registration, then they see a very simple form that they fill in. If it's a multi-person "add-people-to-your-registration" experience (always the case when minors are involved), then that's a totally different experience. Whichever it is, please include the answer to that question on the email to support@majestri.com.au with your event requirements (fee calculator and registration form).

After you've established the type of registration experience, then you can use the preview function explained above to work out which information is not being captured and which information is not needed.

Your instructions to Majestri

Please be very clear in what you tell us. If we don't have to do too much thinking then we'll finish your registration form very quickly and get it back to you.

If a registration consists of a Primary Contact, an optional Emergency Contact, and a set of Players/Attendees for the event, then please lay out the fields in the context of who each person is. Here's an example format which we love dearly.

Primary Contact
  • Phone Number
  • Alt Email Address
  • Occupation
  • Whether they want to volunteer
  • Whether it's the first year with the club

Emergency Contact
  • Alt Email Address
  • Relationship to Player

  • Last Club
  • Last Association
  • Playing Group
  • Preferred Teammates
  • Medical Notes

There is no need to re-specify fields already on the form that you are planning on keeping.

In 99% of cases, a registration form also relies on a custom fee calculator that we are also building. Please make sure that your email to us contains specifications for both of them so we can build and test it all at the same time.