Events Overview

Events, events, events! Majestri is all about events for all occasions.

If you've got something coming up at the club that you want people to register, and maybe pay, for in advance, then you want an event. From your club's main outdoor season through to social or off-season competitions, down to trophy nights and pub crawls, we can help you set up an event that captures all the information you need from your players and parents.


Creating a new event is very easy to do from the Control Room.

CR  Seasons  New

You'll be presented with a list of event types. Some of these are available by default with Majestri, and some of them are built off customised packages we may have built for you as part of a previous event you ran.

Control  Room -  New  Event  Modal

Event Panel

Once you have created your event, then you will see a panel appear in the Control Room that gives you a snapshot of where that event is currently at.

CR  Seasons  Event Panel

After a while, it becomes second nature navigating to your event through both the setup phase and online registration phase, but to help you out in the first instance, ask yourself this question:

Am I currently taking registrations for this event?

Depending on your answer, this is what you'll want to do:
You're mostly going to want to go to the Dashboard. You should only need the Setup screen if you need to alter something about the event's configuration.

Then you're probably still in the process of configuring the event, and you'll want to click the Setup button.

Setting up an Event

We've come to realise in time that the best way to give guidance about setting up an event is to present you with a checklist. You can then cross off each step as it is done. Stay tuned for this 'checklist' to actually become part of the system itself.

For now though, we have a checklist in our usual Help guidance format. You can use the Table of Contents at the top of the page as a short checklist


If you have a question to do with events, chances are that somebody has already asked us that same question before.
Check out our Events FAQ where you'll hopefully find your question (and the answer).
If you're still not sure, or can't find the solution, then email us at